Return investment calculation

We invite you to independently estimate the costs and income that can be achieved with an investment such as a touchless car wash. Our calculator (beta version) allows you to modify all relevant input parameters depending on your needs. For the decimal point, please use “

Default values are suggested values, obtained on the basis of research, or provided by manufacturers.
By using the calculator, the User confirms that he has read and accepted the provisions of the Regulations.

Planned car wash parameters

amount of washing bays  
number of cars daily on 1 washing bays / on the entire car wash / 140  
costs of 1 impulse EUR  
duration of 1 impulse sec. 35 sec.Restore default
condensing boiler  

The number of impulses needed to wash the car by the customer

Restore default

program 0 Active foam 0 EUR
program 1 Active foam 1 EUR
program 2 Main pressure wash 3 EUR
program 3 Rinsing 2 EUR
program 4 Polymer conservation 2 EUR
program 5 Rinsing – polishing 2 EUR
  Total 10 imp. EUR

Profitability at a given occupancy

total revenue for one wash (gross) 0,37 EUR
percentage of car wash occupancy 0,49 EUR
monthly revenue per washing bay (gross) 0,17 EUR
monthly revenue for the car wash (gross) 0,17 EUR
estimated monthly service costs (gross) 0,46 EUR
sum of monthly costs (gross) 0,11 EUR
monthly profit (gross) (1) 7,00 EUR
cost share 1,97 EUR

1 The result is calculated on the basis of indicative average media prices from several EU countries. In order to obtain correct results, please enter the values appropriate for the location in the “Costs” tab.

Material costs
Chemical costs (gross)(1) Restore default
  package gross price (with discount) gross base price (without discount) default values
Alux 10 l 145.85 EUR EUR 194.46 EUR
Lite Foam 20 l 123.36 EUR EUR 164.49 EUR
Powder FF 25 kg 213.75 EUR EUR 285 EUR
Prima Wax 20 l 370.68 EUR EUR 494.25 EUR
Salt 25 kg 35.00 EUR EUR 26.25 EUR
Discount for chemicals %   Recalculate
Media costs (gross) Restore default
  Unit price gross default values
water – together with sewage (2) EUR / m³ 9.06 EUR Restore default
gas (2) EUR / m³ 1.37 EUR Restore default
electricity (2) EUR / kWh 0.46 EUR Restore default
waste disposal (2) EUR (per unit) 180 EUR Restore default
Fixed costs – monthly (gross) Restore default
watchman /service EUR 0 EUR Restore default
security EUR 100 EUR Restore default
land lease EUR 0 EUR Restore default
leasing EUR 0 EUR Restore default
the cost of transporting and utilizing the contents of the separator EUR 200 EUR Restore default
others EUR 0 EUR Restore default
Periodic costs (gross) Restore default
inspection (for the entire car wash)(3) EUR 1,722 EUR Restore default

1 Chemicals price for the day 01.06.2019
2 Approximate average price from several EU countries (1.06.2019). You must enter location-specific values for correct results.
3 Calculated from the formula (number of washing bays * 250 EUR) + 400 EUR + VAT

Washing time for individual programs
    default values
Program 0 Oprysk Felg sec. 50 sec. Restore default
Programm 1 Active foam sec. 50 sec. Restore default
Programm 2 Main pressure wash sec. 50 sec. Restore default
Programm 3 Rinsing sec. 50 sec. Restore default
Programm 4 Polymer maintenance sec. 50 sec. Restore default
Programm 5 Drying / polishing sec. 50 sec. Restore default
Car wash parameters
    default values
amount of Alux set % 0.34 % Restore default
amount of active foam set % 0.56 % Restore default
amount of powder set % 0.14% Restore default
amount of polymer set % 0.20% Restore default
amount of dryer / polisher set % 0,01% Restore default
water flow l/min 11 l/min Restore default
boiler efficiency (kondensacyjny) % 88 % Restore default
electricity consumption (module) kW/h 2.5 kW/h Restore default
gas energy value (1) kcal/m³ 8160 kcal/m³ Restore default
input water temperature °C 10°C Restore default
output water temperature °C 60°C Restore default
monthly salt usage per 1 washing bay [25kg] pcs. 1 pcs. Restore default
gas amount per 1 washing bay during winter (2) m3 750 m3 Restore default
waste disposal (monthly) times 2 Restore default times
inspection frequency yearly 4 Restore default
estimated service costs (income based) % 4 % Restore default

1 theoretical value provided by the manufacturer
2 approximate value (strictly depends on the prevailing temperatures)

Washing costs for 1 washing bay

  1 impulse cost impulse amount total
Costs of Programm ‘Rims spraying’ 1 1 0,37 EUR
Costs of Programm ‘Active Foam’ 1 1 0,37 EUR
Costs of Programm ‘Main washing’ 1 1 0,49 EUR
Costs of Programm ‘Rinsing’ 1 1 0,17 EUR
Costs of Programm ‘Polymer conservation’ 1 1 0,46 EUR
Costs of Programm ‘Polishing and drying’ 1 1 0,11 EUR
Total (gross) 0,11 EUR 5 0,11 EUR

Cost calculation for 1 impulse

  amount cost formula
water consumption 9,17 l 0,07 EUR water consumption * programm use time
electricity consumption 0,03 kW 0,02 EUR electricity consumption (BKF CarWash module) * programm use time
Alux 28,33 ml 0,21 EUR ustawiona ilość Alux * water consumption
Total (gross) 0,37 EUR  
program 1ACTIVE FOAM
  amount cost formula
water consumption 9,17 l 0,07 EUR water consumption * programm use time
electricity consumption 0,03 kW 0,02 EUR electricity consumption (BKF CarWash module) * programm use time
chemicals consumption 46,67 ml 0,29 EUR set amount of active foam * water consumption
Total (gross) 0,37 EUR  
  amount cost formula
water consumption 18,33 l 0,14 EUR water consumption * programm use time
electricity consumption 0,07 kW 0,03 EUR electricity consumption (BKF CarWash module) * programm use time
gas consumtion 0,13 m³ 0,12 EUR water consumption * difference of inlet and outlet temperatures * programm use time / (gas calorific value * boiler efficiency)
powder consumption 23,33 g 0,12 EUR set powder amount * water consumption
Total (gross) 0,49 EUR  
program 3RINSING
  amount cost formula
water consumption 18,33 l 0,14 EUR water consumption * programm use time
electricity consumption 0,07 kW 0,03 EUR electricity consumption (BKF CarWash module) * programm use time
Total (gross) 0,17 EUR  
  amount cost formula
water consumption 9,17 l 0,07 EUR water consumption * programm use time
electricity consumption 0,03 kW 0,02 EUR electricity consumption (BKF CarWash module) * programm use time
gas consumption 0,06 m³ 0,06 EUR water consumption * difference of inlet and outlet temperatures * programm use time / (gas calorific value * boiler efficiency)
polymer consumption 16,67 ml 0,31 EUR set amount of polymer * water consumption
Total (gross) 0,46 EUR  
  amount cost formula
osmotic water consumption 9,17 l 0,07 EUR demineralized water consumption * programm use time
electricity consumption 0,03 kW 0,02 EUR electricity consumption (BKF CarWash module) * programm use time
rinse/polishing chemicals consumption 0,08 ml 0,01 EUR set amount of rinse/polishing chemicals * water consumption
Total (gross) 0,11 EUR  


BKF Myjnie Sp. z o.o.

§ 1.

The phrases used in these Regulations mean:

  1. BKF – the company BKF Myjnie Sp. z o.o., based in Poland, Skarbimierzyce.
  2. Calculator – Calculator of investment profitability in self-service car washes, located on the website
  3. Investor – an entity that uses the Calculator.
  4. Regulations – the regulations for using the profitability calculator BKF Myjnie Sp. z o.o.
§ 2.
  1. The calculator gives the Investor the opportunity to estimate the profitability of investments in touchless car washes, based on specific data entered by BKF or the Investor.
  2. Using the Calculator is possible only after accepting the content of these Regulations.
  3. Using the Calculator does not require providing any personal data or other data subject to legal protection.
§ 3.
  1. Calculation results, in particular the expected revenues, costs and profits, are indicative and based on estimates, therefore BKF does not guarantee that they will be achieved by the Investor.
  2. The investor is not entitled to any demands or claims against BKF in connection with compliance with the calculations of the Calculator.
§ 4.
  1. BKF is not responsible for the proper operation of the Calculator or for the proper functioning of the website referred to in § 2 section 1.
  2. The investor is not entitled to any demands or claims against BKF in connection with the failure or incorrect operation of the Calculator or the non-functioning or incorrect functioning of the website referred to in the paragraph above.

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